
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Dangers of a Lie it could damage you eyes

Why a lie could damage the eyes Everyone has a told a lie once or twice. A lie is anything that isn’t the truth. Taking away a few pounds on your driver’s license, allowing people to believe you are a few years younger, or keeping the whole truth for someone are all lies. White lies may make us feel better and keep us from hurting others, but the damage is all in the eyes.           Lying hurts and damages the eyes no matter how small the lie may be. Lying puts strain on the eyes and keeps them from properly working. For one, you have to make up the lie and then remember all the details so you don’t get caught. This extra concentration and strain on the eyes causes damage.           A retinoscope is what the trained professionals use to see who is lying to them. The retinoscope works better than a polygraph test because the eyes don’t lie, even if you do. The retinoscope tests for refraction, the eyes’ ability to focus on light. A lie changes how the eyes see and how they re